Over 194 acres (approximately 166 useable acres) of combined farmland known for high-yielding cash crops on Class 2 soil located in sought-after Brant County between Burford and Woodstock. Includes a 2768 sf (MPAC) residential home, a 5,000 square foot high-ceiling equipment warehouse, and a smaller storage building in fair condition. The farm also includes three 5,000-bushel grain bins and a central auger in workable condition. The prosperities are to be purchased together. Or can be purchased separately provided 94 Stage Road is first sold. These lands would make a great addition to your land base or a fantastic location to build a new home(s)Legal Descriptions & PINS:94 Stage Rd | Pin 320010041 (98.202 acres)Legal: PT LT 22 CON 5 BURFORD AS IN A240856 (SECONDLY); S/T BU28142; COUNTY OF BRANT0 Stage Rd (northside)| Pin 320010043 (47.415 acres)Legal: PT LT 20 CON 5 BURFORD AS IN A240856 (FIRSTLY); S/T BU28143; COUNTY OF BRANT0 Stage Rd. (southside)| Pin 320010060 (48.551 acres)Legal: PT LT 22 CON 5 BURFORD AS IN A240856 (THIRDLY); COUNTY OF BRANT