Good Running Business Located in the Heart of fishing, hunting and tourist area, 18 Rooms Motel with 2-Separate apartments(2 bedrooms & 3 Bedrooms) renting from $100 to $165/night ,Motel has no competition in business in the area .Competing Market Is New Liskeard Town (20 Min drive to North). This Motel also have Separate 2 bedroom Manager accommodation. There is year-round business in this region especially for the motel being right on Highway 11.The Motel is about1.5 km from Burns Hiking Trail and 4 km from W.J.B. Greenwood Provincial Park Timiskaming Nordic Ski-Club is 10 km away. Extra Lot At Back To Expand Business. About 40% of business comes from online portals such as Expedia, & Airbnb, and the balance 60% of the business is direct, corporate& repeat customers., Restaurant Business has very good potential, The motel had a decent amount of Revenue coming from the Kitchen that served in-house guests. Almost 60% of our customers are repeat/regulars for the last 6-8 years