Fully serviced waterfront building lot on Bois Blanc Canada; an exclusive, architecturally-distinct community of beautiful homes and twin villas. Choose from one of our models or custom design with your own builder. Lot #2 is spectacular spanning 72 ft. waterfront x 155 ft. deep. The lot offers flexibility to build a 2,200 sq. ft. Ranch bungalow to 3,500+ sq. ft. home. Various Serviced Building Lots available. It’s a quick 4 minute car ferry to the island that runs every 20 mins 365 days a year! Explore the 120 slip marina, a waterfront restaurant (coming soon), trails and beaches. Our waterfront Presentation Centre is located beside the Ferry Dock by appointment at 340 Dalhousie St. Amherstburg ON. Visit www.boisblanccanada.com